Another Post? Is this a blog?

Another year, another book. Well, that’s not entirely true. My first book took two years to write and five years of kicking it around and hating it, before I got it to a place where I loved it, couldn’t wait for people to read and finally published. This second book took me far less time to write, but currently sits in the last stages of copyediting. Will I write a book a year? That’s the goal. But this one is already over the one year mark from when Ben was published. 

Going from post-apocalyptic, dystopian climate fiction to action, suspense, fiction filled with new characters that I adore and am excited for others to dive into this new world. The Shady Oaks Division will be released in the coming months. Stay tuned!

{Where it started}

{Where I am now}

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Daniela

    Love it. Looking forward to what is to come while being entertained with what is here. 💕

  2. Mike

    Love seeing the behind-the-scenes stuff, and looking forward to the new book! Happy blogging!

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